Oleh Astappiev
Oleh Astappiev
The property can store information like `pressure cooker` or `oven`. Logically it's a `tool` from `HowTo`, but I would prefer to call it `Equipment` or `Cooking Utilities` by analogy with...
A typically `recipeIngredient` looks like: ``` "recipeIngredient": [ "2 veal shoulder arm or blade steaks, cut 1 inch thick", "2 baking potatoes, cut lengthwise into 8 wedges", "1 lemon, cut...
There is already [educationalLevel](https://schema.org/educationalLevel) inherited from [CreativeWork](https://schema.org/CreativeWork), but the reference to education is confusing, usually it's more about skill level and not education. The property should support all types ([DefinedTerm](https://schema.org/DefinedTerm)...
closes #239
Привет Возникла проблема, у меня существует модель в которой объявлено public поле picture_url, само поле хранится в json, после afterFind я делаю его развертку и присваиваю значение полю picture_url, при...
I found this fork very useful https://github.com/MartinDomig/kos-ramp Any plans to merge changes from it into the repository?
I would be very grateful if you add the ability to set **NumItemSetsPower** in the parameters of Loot source.