Kevin Yonan

Results 32 issues of Kevin Yonan

hello. I'm the developer of a 64-bit, RISC, register-based virtual machine called Tagha and I've been watching MIRs development for some time and I'm interested in using MIR as Tagha's...

Right now, strings require being named, even in the assembler when defining them: ```asm $global str0 "string" ``` Instead, let's have the assembler, as an enhancement, auto-name anonymous strings: ```asm...


implement a compiler or compiler backend that generates bytecode for this VM. Possibility: Make GCC output Tagha bytecode using a custom GCC Backend but will take alot of effort. Maybe...

help wanted

I will not be adding a JIT in particular but allow for outside support for a JIT.


Have GCC output tagha bytecode.

help wanted

probably not too necessary if you can compile with Clang or Cygwin on Windows but still.

low priority

From [this stack overflow link]( > Necrolis You might find it easier to write a plugin for GCC, which would allow you to hook the GIMPLE generation and alter it...

help wanted

> cl4ws0n - Today at 9:45 AM i have similar motivations for mod (low level scripts are cool) but i want to strictly control what the scripts can do by...

help wanted

Hello Kanaka. I'm inquiring about wac's performance. Does wac also use a JIT like wasm? If not, how performant is wac as a bytecode interpreter? Thank You ~Kevin.

I'm sure this was probably suggested by someone else a while back but I was wondering if there's any consensus on adding fibers/userspace threading as part of the SM standard...