Jordan Hueckstaedt
Jordan Hueckstaedt
It would be nice if there was an option under the "When restoring tabs from a previous session" selection to "keep previous state." That is, to keep the timeouts and...
With the addon Tree Style Tab, BarTab does not retain the collapsed state of tree tabs between sessions. I'm not sure if it's not remembering them, or if it's resetting...
I'm seeing this warning from the compile_time branch: ```entityx\entityx/entityx.hh(240): warning C4267: 'argument': conversion from 'size_t' to 'uint32_t', possible loss of data``` Because ``` struct Components { ... template static void...
Shows an infinite loading sign on chrome .
Explore if Slide Animation Keys could be directly integrated into the graph editor, either by docking or by injection. I suspect integrating the tool directly where most animators are looking...
I think it would be interesting to have a hotkey trigger the slide keys action. Something like this: user hits hotkey -> user left clicks (if hotkey was not mouse...
As Marko Stravamir Shovljanski suggested on my vimeo page, this behavior can be annoying to animators working on rigs that do not have controls on shape nodes.
As a suggestion, if you're already reworking things, you may want to use libclang directly instead of calling the executable. It allows you to get noticeably faster completions. See