@enricobenedos I'm currently using video_player 1.0.1 version and chewie 0.12.2 version and it works fine on emulators and on real iphone 5s. Also change confugiration in your xcode if it's...
@enricobenedos your configuration seems fine. Then i dont know whats wrong. thats how i implemented chewie ``` _chewieController = ChewieController( videoPlayerController: widget.controller, autoInitialize: true, autoPlay: widget.autoplay, allowMuting: false, deviceOrientationsAfterFullScreen: [DeviceOrientation.portraitUp],...
@Hugand please can take a look in that issue. I have the same issue
@Hugand Hi. Thank you for responce. On xiaomi divices image has green bottom bar. on some huawei with android 8, galaxy s20 with android 11, samsung a51 with android 10...
@Hugand Why there's additional bytes on xiaomi devices? I mean 480*720=345600 and its not what we have in y array 368592. I guess thats the problem