Adilson Rocha
Adilson Rocha
Hi, I ' m a Security Operation Manager, my team have a lot of ansible playbooks and roles, this roles do almost all things we need to do in our...
I have experimenting a caos to try run cloudsploit against OCI. It is imposible to read de keyValue data on credential fiel. I have tried to put evertything on just...
Hi Everyone, I have create a own ocker image with cloudspot with in this the json ans csv files output the fields: more_info, link and recommended_action just adding the lines...
I have a doubt I configured the Plug, Triplex.SubdomainPlug correctly so that I have the prefix to the "tenant" variable always in @conn however, when I give a Repo.All(envs) for...
Hi Everyone. Hi hi @yogeshrnaik. How are you ? We have discussed about it a same month ago, but now the things changed positively :) I have developed and tested...