configs/training.json is useless, changing the learning rate in it does not work at all, the learning rate I have been using is CosineAnnealingLR
when I run the following command python --data=configs/data.json --vocab=configs/vocab.json --training=configs/training.json --model=configs/model.json --output=results/full/ the result is Loaded 76322 formulas from data/train.formulas.norm.txt Bucketing the dataset... Traceback (most recent call last): File...
WARNING (theano.tensor.blas): Using NumPy C-API based implementation for BLAS functions. Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 37, in out,state = tflib.ops.FreeRunIm2LatexAttention('AttLSTM',emb_seqs,ctx,EMB_DIM,ENC_DIM,DEC_DIM,D,H,W) File "/home/rootx/me/im2latextensorflow/im2latex-tensorflow-master/tflib/", line 625, in FreeRunIm2LatexAttention V...
base) root@dda65b730206:/home/RecurJac-and-CROWN-master# python3 --task robustness --numimage 10 --targettype random --norm i --modelfile ../models/mnist_3layer_relu_1024_adv_retrain --layerbndalg crown-adaptive --jacbndalg recurjac --eps 0.2 Loading model ../models/mnist_3layer_relu_1024_adv_retrain 2021-07-26 08:37:45.812888: I tensorflow/core/platform/] This TensorFlow binary...
In Ablation studies on MSRVTT ,the CE - P,CG model does not exist ( Where is the model(
…ssing key(s) in state_dict: