
Results 13 comments of curry_fan

thanks a lot @sfchen when data has umi, the json file with or without --umi for assess duplication, which one is more accurate

thanks a lot. i do not know how to know whether there is msi ov not in your picture

how you get into this, I do not know, can you help me

@dstephensSD how do u understand the --min-reads 1 0 0 --min-reads 0 0 0 -M 2 1 1

@nh13 Thanks a lot so if I set -M 3, it means -M X Y Z is -M 3 3 3, so it actually the X is 6 (because X...

yes, thanks for your kind help, wish your work can be processed more smoothly

gff downloaded from gencode v37;gencode.v38lift37.annotation.gff3; or can you tell me which gff is ok for hg19 thanks a lot

thanks a lot; where do you downloaded the gff for using; after I downloadef gff from ; it works now. in the vcf header, has a line like this;...

16 does not work for me, because I run many samples one time, I need to just use thread 1

anyone has methods about this? thanks