Aaron Meurer

Results 391 issues of Aaron Meurer

For example, for `slice(None), [0, 1, 0]` on an array of shape (3, 2), it should list ``` (0, 0) (0, 1) (0, 0) (1, 0) (1, 1) (1, 0)...

Make sure wheels are built in the release script and that they don't cythonize.

Currently Slice always prints all three arguments, even if only one or two are needed to create it: ```py >>> Slice(None) Slice(None, None, None) >>> Slice(0, 10) Slice(0, 10, None)...

The examples in the [slices docs](https://quansight-labs.github.io/ndindex/slices.html) are currently made using MathJax, but it would be better to use a CSS layout instead. That would give us more control over how...


It would be useful to have a function that checks if an object is an index type. It should have a flag to include or not include NDIndex types.

Medium Priority

With the most recent update of Furo, visited links are now purple in the docs (this is currently only the case in the dev docs) When we first set up...


Have you considered using prompt-toolkit for the interactive chat mode? It would work much better than what you're currently using, especially for multiline prompts.

### What version of `myst-parser` are you using? 3.0.1 ### What version dependencies are you using? Sphinx 7.2.6 docutils 0.20.1 ### What operating system are you using? Mac ### Describe...


### Context I would suggest two improvements to the tasklists plugin: - [ ] Don't add `disabled="disabled"` to the checkboxes. This makes it so you can't click them. But if...


If you run a command like `ellama-improve-grammar` on a selection, but the command fails for some reason, the paragraph is just completely deleted. For example, this happened to me because...