Aaron Meurer

Results 391 issues of Aaron Meurer

See #86 This should probably not be merged until https://github.com/data-apis/array-api/pull/741 is actually included in a released version of the standard (hopefully 2023.12) and supported by the numpy compat layer.

The tests run fast enough now that there's no need to lower this to 20. See the discussion at #246.

We need a tracking issue for 2023.12 support in the test suite. Here is the list of changes https://data-apis.org/array-api/latest/changelog.html#v2023-12 **New Functions** - [x] `__array_namespace_info__` (i.e., the [inspection API](https://data-apis.org/array-api/latest/API_specification/inspection.html)) - [x]...


The asarray test seems to only test the copy flag for array inputs. But it should also work for Python built-in (scalar or sequence) and buffer protocol inputs. copy=False should...

api coverage

As far as I can tell `__array_nameaspace__` is not being tested at all. https://github.com/search?q=repo%3Adata-apis%2Farray-api-tests%20__array_namespace__&type=code

api coverage

This test fails with pytorch's sum() (note you need to use ``` E AssertionError: out=5.0, but should be roughly 7.0 [sum()] E Falsifying example: test_sum( E x=tensor([[ 0.0000e+00, 3.3554e+07, -3.3554e+07],...


I didn't explicitly test axis=None because it's not clear to me that should actually be supported, given that that's the same as axis=0. Fixes #191

The numpy.array_api has several test failures due to https://github.com/data-apis/array-api/pull/720. But additionally, there are also these warnings, which should be looked into: ``` array_api_tests/test_fft.py::test_fftn /Users/aaronmeurer/Documents/numpy/numpy/fft/_pocketfft.py:857: DeprecationWarning: `axes` should not be `None`...

The test_has_names test is missing some things. It doesn't check for dtypes. It also doesn't check for `newaxis` (maybe it doesn't check any constants?).

The has names test should run regardless of what names are present in the module. Right now, it fails if `bool` is not present ``` ImportError while loading conftest '/Users/aaronmeurer/Documents/array-api-tests/conftest.py'....