Aslak Hellesøy

Results 191 comments of Aslak Hellesøy

I think it would be more unix'y (i.e. versatile) if this were refactored to a `list` command that lists *all* releases. That would be a command that can be used...

I thought about this some more, and implemented #78 which adds a `--json` option to `fmt` and `show`. That makes it easy to get the latest version (and more) by...

@mattwynne we don't need a new `list` command. The `fmt --json` command lists the entire changelog as JSON. See the example in #78

Thanks @jeremydaly! There are many ways to skin this cat, so maybe you'd prefer a different solution. Ideally there would be no `makeFieldName` option, and the conversion would always happen...

> Publish feature seems to be supported only from Cucumber.js from version 7.3.0. While says you need `>= 7.3.0` it's actually been supported since [7.0.0-rc.0]( > I am not...

Another Cucumber maintainer here. FWIW, we're phasing out the JSON report format and replacing it with [cucumber messages]( You can read more about why on that page. > The Cucumber...

I'm unable to reproduce this with the [example]( How can we reproduce this?

If @mwolson submits a [pull request]( with tests, we'd be happy to include this in the next release.

Is this functionality in the spec? If not, why do you think we should deviate from the spec?