
Results 50 comments of Patrick

You'd want to use React-Leaflet for sure. Then I think you need to port this plugin to work with it.

I've not played around with it yet in micropython I believe Circuit Python uses a similar method to generate stubs

@BradenM can I help with this? Also, I was noticing your comment about adding src/lib **_IF_** it exists. For a new project, can we force it into existence and always...

I tend to think opinionated is good, sorta fits the Zen of Python that there should be one way... but of course there are exceptions. ;-) I wonder if 'power'...

I've spent a few hours looking at this and I am stumped so I'm going to back away on this. Sorry I can't be of more help.

This is mentioned in the docs, but its not intuitive given how Python development normally works AND I'm going through this exact same learning curve today. ;-) `micropy install` only...

Installing unixodbc and Setting LDFLAGS and CPPFLAGS as mentioned on the main issue ( for this worked for me. My path was slightly different. Check yours. `ll /opt/homebrew/Cellar/unixodbc`

This would be a great addition to the docs.

I checked Travis and didn't find that there are builds\test with Django2.0 but I do see builds for Dev, so I guess they're running on the latest 2.0 code and...

I concur, thanks!