Sarath Addanki
Sarath Addanki
Currently, the auto complete available is slow. Is any configuration required to speed it up? Is there any plan to integrate Apex LSP ( It would be really awesome and...
Hi, Please see below error. Removed some details which cannot be disclosed. ``` Trying to start server using command: java -Dlog.level.root=error -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -jar ***\ --action=serverStart --port=8888 --timeoutSec=60 --action=deployModified --tempFolderPath="***\vim-force\tmp" --authConfigPath="***\vim-force\prop\oauth2\***"...
I have a use-case where I like to open omnibar with only tabs related to a specific domain. Based on my limited understanding of the code, it seems that `Front.openOmnibar({type:...
Hi, Omnibar is very useful. It allows us to prepare our lists and then on enter open those links. In addition to opening links, can we override with our own...
Hi, This is a feature request for mermaid state diagrams converted to native objects.