Hello @Stuckalf , From what I know, it's possible to implement a functionality like this, but I'm not sure if transferring the whole disc as a single track is the...
Ah, sorry. I wrongly assumed you were using a Sony portable unit... Unfortunately the factory mode is only available on Sony NetMD portables. Unless Sharp has their own factory mode,...
@JanHelgebostad Check out The version hosted there has support for downloading tracks back to the computer via USB for some players (Type-S only, for now).
@sgsracer256 @chonkusZZ This behavior has been changed to that of SonicStage. Now the door is locked (and the writing head is lowered, since these two actions are joined together) when...
@jms0784 Have you installed zadig?
Hello @sunohara111, What device are you using? Have you checked out ? It hosts a newer version of WebMinidisc, with the bug causing this error to show up patched.
Hello @depevauge 1. It's probably possible, although I can't tell for sure. 2. NetMD devices don't support mono transfer unfortunately. 3. You probably need to change the 'Disc Mode' setting....
@depevauge Added in
Thank you for the explanation. I'll try to fix normalization.
@depevauge Actually, it would be great if we could talk via the discord. You know a lot more about this than I do, so it would help me a...