
Results 15 issues of asins


I was using Electron to write a native application, but reported an error after introducing crypto-es in the Node layer. In the provided npm package, can you distinguish the following...

For example, now I want to use the `legalComments` parameter to modify the support for comments, but `rollup-plugin-esbuild` does not support it. I hope to support all the parameters of...

如题,比如我写个小游戏,分享的方案是由游戏结果而不同,这样的话,如果一开始就传入分享的方案就无法做到动态变化了!有提供支持吗? 我目前的处理是在handler方法中加入 ``` js for(var k in theData){ if($.isFunction(theData[k])) theData[k] = theData[k](); } ``` 这样在外部传入的是个方法,而不是字符就可以完成了,但实现方式并不让人满意。

看到你的vimrc文件,发现你使用的也是基于字典的提示能力 推荐你使用 插件,里面有自动脚本,能基于当前文件类型自动加载对应类型的字典文件。 我想比你在vimrc中指定来得方便,字典提示内容也会更丰富。 Plug "asins/vim-dict";

看到这个搜索了下发现是缺少styluat程序导致,麻烦再更新下使用说明,让使用帮忙更友好些。 ```sh brew install stylua ``` 另外发现vim自带用于快速翻页映射用在了harpoon上,想问下你平时用啥快捷键呢?

I would like to incorporate highlighting for certain content such as dates, times, property names and values in JSON formatted data, syntax errors, and character highlighting for log levels such...

syntax highlight

**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** The editor lacks syntax highlighting for `.log` files. **Describe the solution you'd like** I would like to incorporate highlighting for...

syntax highlight

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