Anshul Singhvi

Results 136 issues of Anshul Singhvi

# Description Adds some useful `convert_arguments` definitions which I have found useful. - [ ] Allow `SurfaceLike` to take an Interval as a specification of the `x` or `y` ranges....

Plots.jl has a lot of small, easy-to-implement convenience functions and recipes that would be nice to have in AbstractPlotting, or StatsMakie. - [ ] `stephist`: ```julia stephist(x) stephist(x) Make a...

good first issue

# Description This also changes the VideoStream constructor similarly, allowing the user to use patterns like this: ```julia CairoMakie.activate!(px_per_unit=3) record(fig, "streamplot_anim_keener.mp4") do io ... end ``` This works with GLMakie...

# Description This PR implements a `PolarAxis` layoutable which should be able to serve as a template for a more general `NonlinearAxis` layoutable. ```julia rs, θs = LinRange(0, 1, 100),...

Consider the following MWE: ```julia @recipe(TestRecipe) do scene Attributes(; ) end function Makie.convert_arguments(::Type{

Consider the following totally minimal example: ```julia sc = Scene(camera = cam2d!) scatter!(sc, 1:10, rand(10)) Makie.update_cam!(sc, Rect2f(Point2f(1, 0), Vec2f(5, 1))) save("hello.svg", sc; pt_per_unit=1) ``` This has only 5 lines of...


- Define PointTrans for VecTypes, not only Point - Add transformation methods for Rects, so that PointTrans just works The ultimate goal is that `scene.transformation.transform_func[] = PointTrans{2}(f)` where `f(::VecTypes{N})::VecTypes{N}` just...

Consider the following MWE: ```julia using Makie, GLMakie using Makie.GeometryBasics begin # this must be larger than the maximal size of a GLMakie window in at least one dimension fig...


```julia julia> fig = Figure(resolution=(2000,2000)); save("hello.png", fig) ERROR: MethodError: no method matching backend_show(::Missing, ::IOContext{IOStream}, ::MIME{Symbol("image/png")}, ::Scene) Closest candidates are: backend_show(::Any, ::IO, ::MIME{Symbol("text/plain")}, ::Scene) at ~/.julia/dev/Makie/src/display.jl:93 Stacktrace: [1] show(io::IOContext{IOStream}, m::MIME{Symbol("image/png")}, scene::Scene)...

# Description Using @jkrumbiegel's proposed alpha-colorbuffer by comparing the same scene with white v/s black background, we can obtain an image with transparency from GLMakie. Basically, this is intended to...