
Results 4 issues of Ashok

ImageResizer.createResizedImage(this.state.image.uri, 8, 6, 'JPEG', 80) 80 is quality here. If i set it to 0 is that means low quality and 100 is high quality?

`“react-native-wkwebview-reborn”: “1.22.0",` ``` { this.webview = wbref; }} style={{ backgroundColor: 'red' }} source={require('../../../../../../ios/3dView/car.html')} onLoadStart={this.onLoadStart} onLoad={this.onLoad} onLoadEnd={this.onLoadEnd} onError={this.onError} renderError={this.renderError} onMessage={this.handleMessageFromBuilder} cacheEnabled={false} cookiesEnabled={false} scalesPageToFit bounces={false} scrollEnabled={false} /> ``` When i postMessage from...

I am sending notification from the server using [websocketclient]( chrome extension. When app is in foreground it works fine and below method is get executed. `- (void)webSocket:(SRWebSocket *)webSocket didReceiveMessage:(id)message {...

I am writing unit test cases for my project using jest. when i run `npm test` i am getting below error. ● Test suite failed to run ``` TypeError: Cannot...