Ashok Gelal

Results 12 issues of Ashok Gelal

[Vuex allows to access state within actions]( This makes it easier to check the current state and make some decisions, do some calculations and then dispatch to modify the state....


We have already used Alpas in a few production apps and as we were writing those apps, Alpas went through some significant improvements and stability. There is even a [full...

This request was hidden under another issue in [this comment]( I'm creating its own dedicated ticket. From the comment: > I was doing some reading on how people solve this...


I've the following method (I've removed some lines for brevity): ```kotlin fun save(entity: E, attrsToOverride: Map): Any { return table.insertAndGenerateKey { builder -> { (key, value) -> builder[key] to...


When declaring an entity's columns along with its corresponding table, you have to specify a column's name, one way or the other, at least 4 times. This is tiring and...


This is the app:

Is it possible to mark a path parameter as optional? Something like `route("GET", "/users//blogs//posts/", handler("get user blog post"))`, where the last parameter `` is optional. Along the same line, it'd...

### Product Name Msty ### Product Link ### Other information Msty is the simplest way to get started with local and online LLMs. I am hoping to make bunch...

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