**Completed**: - Workflow updated with snapshots - CI document restructured and updated (Image Tag included) - CD document restructured and updated (Tag and Approval included) - Copy Container Image plugin...
- Base ready - RBAC ready - Configuration steps of deployment window - Snapshots added
- Base ready - RBAC ready - Added latest snapshots - Included Artifact promoter role - Added CLI steps
**Done** - Repurposed the old content and restructured the whole doc - Shifted node operations from another doc to this - Removed old cluster doc - Added gifs wherever possible...
- Updated Old Snapshots - Added Bitbucket Data Center section in GitOps doc
- Included Restart Workloads section - Replaced old snapshots that didn't have 'Restart Workload' button alongside 'Hibernate' and 'Unhibernate' - Added RBAC
Requested by Badal:
- ArgoCD App added in Glossary - Edited **** and expanded it to include Argo CD app listing - Created a video tutorial to enable 'ArgoCD Apps' tab. - Snapshot...