Ashley Ong

Results 4 issues of Ashley Ong

I'm trying to fine-tune the pretrained model provided with my custom dataset. The command is `nvidia-docker run -it --rm -v `pwd`:/decaNLP/ -u $(id -u):$(id -g) bmccann/decanlp:cuda9_torch041 bash -c "python /decaNLP/

I am trying to train on a custom WOZ dataset. I have 2 jsonl files, train.jsonl and val.jsonl as suggested. A sample line from my dataset is {"context": "no, i...

Hi there, first of all thank you for this awesome project! I'm interested in adding my own templates to edit as a base. However, I realise it is not just...

### Describe the bug After upgrading from 8.1.11 to 8.2 onwards, I noticed that sb-manager files no longer gets split into chunks by webpackFinal's configurations: `config.optimization = { ...config.optimization, splitChunks:...
