Ashley White

Results 5 issues of Ashley White `picker.getDatePicker().setMinDate()` expects a timestamp in the user time: > Sets the maximal date supported by this DatePicker in milliseconds since January 1, 1970 00:00:00 in getDefault() time zone....

**Typings URL:** **Change Summary (for existing typings):** There's no changelog available from the source repo, but looking at the commit history it is largely bug fixes with some additions.

When using a stream, the format is set to STRING, thus the preserveAlpha function won't work for PNGs. A simple fix: `protected function preserveAlpha () { if (($this->format == 'PNG'...

Deleted less as it is out of sync with css

If a SwiftData model annotation is added to a class, the build will fail with "Method does not override any method from its superclass". It can be reproduced using a...

help wanted
workaround provided