add the ability to rewrite the address and the port if the camera is in a router with nat. When a camera is behind nat, all the ip/port information received...
I'm trying to pull messages using pull point subscription as below. ```python mycam = ONVIFCamera("", 80, 'admin', 'admin') event_service = mycam.create_events_service() pps = event_service.CreatePullPointSubscription() plp = mycam.pullpoint.zeep_client.create_service('{}PullPointSubscriptionBinding', pps.SubscriptionReference.Address._value_1) pullmess=plp.PullMessages(Timeout=timedelta(seconds=2), MessageLimit=10)...
Hello, Installation of iOSOpenDev-1.5 failed on OSX 10.6.8/Xcode 4.2. It seems that in postinstall script, plutil is using json, which is not available before 10.7. --- Dec 22 11:37:15 MacBook-Pro...
I've a usb 3G dongle for internet and a wifi connection. mptcp-virtual only detects en[0-9] and does not detect any ppp interfaces. I tried to add ppp[0-9] interfaces in the...