MD Ashik
MD Ashik
My Project is Angular 11+ and it SSR application. I got solution by enable blocking it. ``` RouterModule.forRoot(routes, { initialNavigation: 'enabledBlocking', }), ```
Anyone get any solution ?
@danilobassi8 should we make a replica of this repo and published a new library as extend version and continue improvement.
@danilobassi8 Maybe auther active in other project but he did not release any new version form last 2 years so i don't see any luck.
Maybe we need new fixed for this one.
@ES-Six can you check it right now, I can not reproduce it .
@zonayedpca vai **আমরা চাইলে [ইফির ](সাহায্যে অ্যারো ফাংশন এভাবেও লিখতে পারিঃ** ইফির এর লিংকটা ভুল আছে এই খানে।