Aaron Shetland

Results 109 comments of Aaron Shetland

Thanks @geospatialem!. Adding the [Figma link](https://www.figma.com/file/WXNifIYxhvURcEM39NmgfM/Required-label-%5B5079%2C-4598%5D?type=design&node-id=101-39&mode=dev) again for adding `required` to Calcite Label so it doesn't get lost in the thread.

@geospatialem Not sure if Franco started work on this before he went on leave.

Updated designs are available as well.

No longer applies to `selection-mode:"multiple"`, but the expected behavior noted above might still be valid for multichildren. Which then begs the question, at that point what is the difference between...

Final designs are available in Figma. Figma file: https://www.figma.com/file/m6xhdPVaEO4VjnA7XfIHya/Alert-Queue-Stacking-%5Bissue-2835%5D?node-id=1%3A2604&t=RrRRvJe3rqulHGHT-1 Direct link to the prototype: https://www.figma.com/proto/m6xhdPVaEO4VjnA7XfIHya/Alert-Queue-Stacking-%5Bissue-2835%5D?node-id=276-37805&viewport=-308%2C1974%2C0.07&scaling=scale-down-width&starting-point-node-id=276%3A37805

Surfacing [designs for this](https://github.com/Esri/calcite-design-system/issues/2835#issuecomment-1528119963) since GitHub was hiding them in the thread. Could be coupled with #8316.

Quick question about behavior on this as we work out details. I would expect [closable] to be globally set, e.i. all tabs are closable or not-closable. This way we would...

Thanks all, setting closable on a per-tab basis looks like the way to go. Agree we should consider adding the ability to reorder tabs (separate enhancement issue). @AdamWMoqrane, I'm finishing...

@geospatialem, final designs are ready in the Figma enhancements folder and had a walkthrough chat today with Eliza. The Figma branch should get merged this week so designers can start...