Jianming Chen
Jianming Chen
I'll see if this could be fixed. Thanks.
I haven't found out the proper URL to construct the destination email address inside `Inbox`. The current URL used is `https://mail.google.com/mail/u/[email]?account_id=[email]&message_id=\(id)&view=conv&extsrc=atom` which lands in `All Mail`. This address is also...
@royduin Sorry you have this issue. 2.0 has different account storage from previous 1.x versions (but they still persist to system `defaults` store), I have no idea why this would...
@royduin Yes it’s totally free and will always be (decided to do so during the pandemic). It has been open source from the very beginning. I rewrote it in SwiftUI...
That’s sad. Does ‘defaults read com.ashchan.GmailNotifr‘ show any data?
@royduin That's really strange. FYI the actual UserDefaults value should be persisted in this sandbox location: `~/Library/Containers/com.ashchan.GmailNotifr/Data/Library/Preferences/com.ashchan.GmailNotifr.plist` I don't know if uninstalling and deleting the full `~/Library/Containers/com.ashchan.GmailNotifr` folder would help...
Unfortunately no. I never encountered this issue before. 🙈
@royduin thank you for your patience.
@janko-m +1
@zimbatm I tried setting an empty DIRENV_LOG_FORMAT but still saw the logout. And `DIRENV_LOG_FORMAT` still shows as 'direnv: %s': ``` shell $ echo $DIRENV_LOG_FORMAT direnv: %s ```