@RainbowRui Sorry that I don't have a 30 series card to reproduce this... Since the code is heavily based on TensoRF, could you reproduce TensoRF in 3090?
@AIBluefisher Sorry that the depth backward in cuda ray mode has not been implemented. You may need to modify [this function]( and properly handle the grad_depth.
@2j1ejyu Hi, these two behaviours in fact follow instant-ngp. In some early experiments I don't find these will cause significant performance degradation. You can modify them and try!
@nerfology Hi, the current density grid for d-nerf is simply a `[T, H^3]` boolean array, dividing the time into `T` intervals. For any time `t`, we choose the grid `[H^3]`...
you can find the `T` here:
@mah-asd Hi, do you mean `composite_rays_train` or `composite_rays` (for inference)? In fact both depth and image should have `None` for `.grad`, since they are not leaf nodes. Only tensor with...
@nogu-atsu Hi, I think this is caused by a default setting of ['force_all_rays = False']( in training, which may ignore some rays for acceleration (it triggers [this]( You should change...
@nogu-atsu Oh I got it wrong. The real reason maybe the race condition between the two atomicAdds, e.g., ```bash [thread1] get point_index = 0, num_steps = 10 [thread2] get point_index...
@kwea123 I remember that I wanted to imitate what instant-ngp does around [here]( Since the total samples from all rays are usually much less than the max samples (n_rays *...
@kwea123 In fact the zero RGB of the last ray is intended if I understand correctly, which is also in the [ray march training code]( of instant-ngp. This ray (and...