Andrew Shao

Results 25 comments of Andrew Shao

Just to an interesting symptom to this conversation as someone who's also using a 4K monitor hooked up to a laptop: If I split the panes, the response noticeably improves....

The performance on my machine is great after the update to v1.0.1401.0. Both the native Powershell and Powershell within Windows Terminal (with and without Acrylic.) have the same responsiveness This...

This is definitely a good conversation to be having. I also vote for 'transform' as the name. My thoughts on some of this vis-a-vis the monotonic/non-monotonic target coordinates. First, just...

@jbusecke. Consider the following situation where you have an array describing the grids `thickness` and a tracer `PHI` Source Grid: - Top cell: thickness[0] = 5, rho interfaces = 26.1...

In a continuous system, if a variable `phi` is non-monotonic in some coordinate `r` then that means that there are at least two places where the value exists and hence...

`wmo` is currently calculated offline as the convergence of `umo` and `vmo` cumulatively summed from the bottom up. While we had originally sanity checked that the vertically summed `wmo` matched...

I have no solution, but more questions to ask. First though a clarification: >the analogous term for the tracer budgets? @StephenGriffies you're referring to the vertical remapping tendency for a...

The question wasn't necessarily about the N-M mappings, but more about the vertical velocities that's implied by the vanishing of the bottom layers. w velocity of the second interface is...

Gotcha, thanks for clarifying. You're referring to the `dzInterface` that comes from the grid generator, e.g.

So hypothetically, this is already there (without the division by Delta T):