
Results 15 comments of asencis

We'd very much welcome Brotli support with this image.

@Valian @galaczi So we've been doing some digging into this. The nginx brotli module needs to be compiled on build, so it needs to be done a few image levels...

nginx.brotli.conf would look like this: ``` load_module modules/; load_module modules/; events { worker_connections 1024; } http { include resty-http.conf; include mime.types; server { listen 80 default_server; include resty-server-http.conf; client_max_body_size 10000M;...

Effectively, we're hoping to be publishing an image that this repository *can* user for Brotli support here: [asencis/docker-openresty-nginx-brotli:latest]( So we can modify the Dockerfile.brotli for this project to: ``` FROM...

@Valian Hi Valian - this image is now live and we're deploying it in production, without issue. HTTPS/SSL from you side of things is all excellent and working, and our...

The "fix" for me was to temporarily remove flower and docs from the local.yml file.

Would it not be possible to add `django-sslserver` as an option? I've never had it fail on me yet ... However, adding this package would require dropping uvicorn, which...

Hey @zbyte64 I'm looking to commit to Django-graphene from the Django REST framework - are you still accepting new applications for contributors/maintainers? From my own experiences with the library -...

@TomDemeranville Ah, perfect. Thanks Tom!