
Results 11 issues of 不问苍生问鬼神

如果能有一个面板布局,把知识图谱的点边关系可视化就好了 如果能够点击实体按钮,或者关系线,进入到编辑状态,那就更好了…… ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/48091517/182759057-2d1ebf55-c32c-4b08-8c0f-80450babddc0.png) 其实这类东西,是有一些现成的软件,但需要额外安装第三方软件比较麻烦,不好集成在自己的wpf软件里面

準確來說,是利用語音的形式取代擊鍵,輸出等效於手打的編碼 比方說,我念『中州韻』這三個字的讀音,市面上的語音輸入就直接輸出這三個字,而我在這裡提到的『語音擊鍵』,卻是輸出zhongzhouyun(全拼)或者vsvzyy(小鶴雙拼)這樣的編碼,然後停留在未上屏的狀態,讓用戶自己選擇上屏 ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/48091517/185363353-e07aef14-1d1b-4a99-9a7c-b90785b061ca.png) 語音輸入在目前來說,還有很大不足 如果是日常聊天和現代文的風格,目前市面上的普通話語音輸入產品,訊飛語音輸入法,搜狗,百度等等,應該是可以勝任的 但在需要創造力的寫作領域,比如說網絡小說寫作方面,卻經常詞不達意,輸出混亂 大公司不會去解決這種小眾需求,不知大大有無這方面的考量,或者對這方面有寶貴的建議 比如說,應該要從那個方向來實現,互聯網上有無什麼現成的開源框架,或者如何把微軟的語音輸入引擎利用起來進行改造等等

### Describe feature Notes can be cloned into different folders, can blocks? ### Additional Information If this is not easy to do, can you add a function, just drag block...

Type: Enhancement

### Describe feature Now, click close button just close application. I used the shortcut keys to minimize to the tray, but it was inconvenient. ![image](https://github.com/zadam/trilium/assets/48091517/d6e6ef37-c4d5-4978-9f5e-23682ae880d8) Is it possible to add...

Type: Enhancement

**扩展需求:扩展TreeView 树视图** 目前HandyControl采用的TreeView似乎是原生控件,但其实TreeView在做笔记类软件,文件管理类软件还是蛮常用到的 **功能建议** 1. **多节点复选** 2. **(多节点)拖曳,移动** 3. 节点重命名 4. 节点标题检索,甚至包括节点内容 5. 导入导出 6. 更多的样式设置 7. 更舒服的动画效果 8. 支持成千上万节点的虚拟化方案 9. 更方便易用的滚动条定位 10. 删除节点到垃圾箱 11. 更加便利的数据持久化方案,**对象整体保存**等等

I hope to be able to write ‘outline notes’ in this software to outline the plot for a novel. In short, it supports a multi-level note-taking method. It looks like:...


#221 I've read it. Now the software has become very useful, but as the number of Notes has increased, some things are not easy to find, Perhaps can set up...


From Baidu Translator: I don't know if the author has such a plan to use a template to create new note. It can conveniently record the source link of inspiration,...


### Have you read a contributing guide? - [X] I have read CONTRIBUTING.md - [X] I have searched the existing issues and didn't find any that were similar - [X]...


### Please confirm if feature request does NOT exist already ? - [X] I confirm there is no existing issue for this ### Describe the usecase for the feature Too...