Asan Emirsaleh

Results 21 issues of Asan Emirsaleh

Fixed two typos: lobg > long eucaryotis > eucariotic

Hello dear colleagues! I have several problems with MaSuRCA installation. The first problem I met is the boost installation error. If I use the command `BOOST_ROOT=install ./`, the boost library...

If I run after it was aborted, the shell returns "could not find file log". If I run a recently compiled haslr, the shell returns " error: could not...

Hello! I have _FILENAME_.bam.1 file downloaded from ncbi. How can I use it in SequelTools CLI? I am going to rename it (to left an '.1' suffix off) and to...

Great job! I planned to use this EC tool too. The error I faced was in that Polca expected fastq files to be gzipped. ``` gzip: $SR1.gz: No such file...

Hello! I am enjoyed on the abilities the sleuth provides on RNA-Seq data analysis. So I try to use it in my current project. I have a large dataset, where...

Broken Google Groups url fixed Have I understood things right? There is no another forum that addresses sleuth.

Hello! Great job! What is currently the preferred way to bulk import Zotero items into Obsidian literature reference pages? Are there filtering options, i.e. to only import references linked to...

Hi! Your have not yet fixed the typo in your Readme #188 Also have I suggested a pull request. The name in the Readme is `` but you have `/src/`

Hello! Really good tool. Documentation is great too. But one thing is still not clear for me after I read it. What are the preferred options to perform short variant...