Arya Emami

Results 23 comments of Arya Emami

you can do it like this: `JsBarcode(image, { background: "" })`

I believe this has been reoslved by #626 due to the implementation of `argsMemoize`.

I don't think this is an issue anymore as the types were simplified and tested prior to v5.

This one has been resolved by #636.

I think this one can be closed, just need to call `selector.clearCache()` and `selector.MemoizedResultFunc.clearCache()`.

@markerikson Do you think it would be worth it to try and see if it would be plausible to bundle the type definitions into one file like we're doing with...

@mmkal This is good, however I think this should probably be opt in, and since it's checking nested fields, TypeScript might not be able to handle it well especially on...

@ab12140 are you using webpack as well? can you provide a repro so we can take a closer look?

@t1mmen Just out of curiosity what happens if you remove the `baseUrl` from your `tsconfig.json` altogether?

I think if you set `resolve.modules` to `["node_modules"]` instead of `["node_modules", "src"]`, the issue _might_ go away.