Arsen Norman
Arsen Norman
I have tried the other pair of code, send-pushbtn-cmd.c and recv-pushbtn-cmd.c, same effect. It works for the first reboot and run on TX, then stops. I have noticed something weird...
Will transmitter in ike-uscia-xx example operate properly on it's own, or it requires a receiver to respond? In my case the RED led comes up on the Transmitter, but it...
Yes, it's on USCI_A. And I changed to NO_OPTIMIZATION, just in case.
That's exactly correct. The Tx 'fails' after the first transmission, the Rx get's the first byte and flips the LED. Once the Tx is rebooted, the Rx flips the LED...
Just verified to be sure: it does. Not very consistently, but it does. I moved Tx and Rx are from 6" to 3' apart, same result. Similar result were with...
I used w_tx_payload_noack(); and it works. Enough for my project, but would be nice to have it fixed eventually. Very nice lib, btw! Thank you very much for it and...
Genuine nRF24L01+ in my setup. The old school 10 piner.
Hello spirilis, Did you have a chance to look at the code to figure out what is wrong (might not be wrong at all) with autoack option?