Alexander Rusa
Alexander Rusa
That would be easy and it would just take a little addition in the description of `dokku plugin:help`
I solved it with a line in my playbook tasks: ```yaml - name: enable rbenv for zsh lineinfile: path: /home/xxxx/.zprofile line: 'source /etc/profile.d/' ``` You could create a variable to...
I am desperately trying all variants to load an svg inline since at least an hour and nothing works. Always `
I am sure it also didn't work using `inline_svg_pack_tag "media/images/abc.svg"` but now suddenly it works after I tried loading that using `asset_pack_path`
Yes that would be a good idea. I would suggest examples in form of a table showing "if svg is located in directory xyz you can load it with inline_svg_tag...
Months later and I stumbled upon the same problem and your PR is still open. Seems like nobody is really maintaining this...
Two months later and I have the same problem, because "stimulus" was renamed to "@hotwired/stimulus" See: > Stimulus is moving package location on npm from stimulus to [@hotwired/stimulus]( The...
It seems there is a published beta/3.0.0 version that fixes our problem:
I have the same problem while trying to connect to an Ubuntu server using Blink 14 from my iPad pro. I haven’t used it for a while, but I think...
Could be some bug with Blink: