Results 10 issues of ARUNAVO RAY

java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'android.view.ViewPropertyAnimator android.widget.ImageView.animate()' on a null object reference at Which is this line: ivStar.animate().scaleX(0.7f).scaleY(0.7f).setDuration(150).setInterpolator(DECCELERATE_INTERPOLATOR); I did change some sizes in width and height: and...

@saltyshiomix The `--universal` flag was missing for the macOS . I added the flag for people who wants to create the macOS Universal binary.

So currently the Library can only support a single instrument. I would like to extend it for pairs Trading (Two instruments) Buying one selling other. Any advice will be helpful.


Need to get the info of whether the Sell was SL hit or TP hit.


Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/arunavo/PycharmProjects/samre12Trading/trader/", line 47, in main("/home/arunavo/PycharmProjects/samre12Trading/trader/agent/config/config.cfg") File "/home/arunavo/PycharmProjects/samre12Trading/trader/", line 37, in main agent.train() File "/home/arunavo/PycharmProjects/samre12Trading/trader/agent/model/", line 69, in train self.replay_memory.set_history(state, supplementary) File "/home/arunavo/PycharmProjects/samre12Trading/trader/agent/model/", line 107,...


## Description @C451 Found one more issue, Looks like the tools section is being overridden. Even when I explicitly specify 2 tools and load data synchronously I get 4 Tools...


## Description Ask/Bid Panel Similar to TradingView or otherwise ## Screenshot (if applicable) ![Screenshot from 2020-07-19 22-44-35](

Would you like to integrate an orderbook with a depth of 5 orders each for bid and ask price. I guess that will increase the accuracy of the bot.

The current tag is till v5.4.0 on npm

Remove the `,` comma in css variable hsl value format for opacity to work. Docs: