
Results 17 comments of Arun

Hi, I want to run the training on multiple GPU. But seems there is no control arguments to enable it. Please help, how to enable the multi-gpu training for Luminoth

Hello, I am trying to train the Darknet for Resnet152 configuration. I have 9-object classes each with 1000 images approx. I am using the configuration file provided in Darknet/cfg folder....

Hi Groot-1313, Thanks for the link. I checked it and tried putting the [region] layer in my resnet152.cfg file in the end. The updated CFG file looks like below: ```...

Hi AlexeyAB, 1.) I downloaded the weights, and followed the point2.) mentioned. The file resnet152.200 is generated. I observed the layers at the time of generation of this file, below...

Hi Alexey, After forking, issue is resolved. Seems there were inconsistent files in my repository. Now right layers are displayed at the time of generation. My GPU is on the...

Hi, I tested my model yesterday evening, the prediction was good, but there is a problem with the detection. When I increase the `max_crop` to 640 or more, the camera...

Thanks a lot @Namburger . This helped a lot.. Kind Regards Arun

Hi Namburger, do you have any ideas/suggestions on multiple apps using coral - Would each app include the drivers. - Could we have one priviledged app that provides access to...

Thank you Num for sharing the example, also very beautiful article on Medium... To give you more information on the setup I am testing, this is a small intel device...

Thank you Num for explanation. I experienced this problem while running the Dockers in Ubuntu setup. Could you help me on the issue related to running the inference on Windows...