Thx, good to know. But I think it would be more intuitive to have it on storm so it is not codec dependent.
My issue is about public sub references of other structs like: `type A struct{ MyB *B //public pointer }` `type B struct{ MyC *C //public pointer }` It should be...
Anyway I'm going to use the suggested solution of @ZenLiuCN for the time being.
Here is a simple code example: ``` go import( "testing" "os" "" "fmt" ) type Workflow struct{ ID string `storm:"id"` Name string } type WorkflowData struct{ ID string `storm:"id"` WorkflowID...
Yes, it does. But you can't combine it with multiple fields.
I think I have a simple code for this behavior. I just decided to give goleveldb a shot and tested with this code: ```go package lvldb import ( "testing" "fmt"...
Had the same issue. Here my solution: Append this in EasygridConfig.groovy ``` javascript org.grails.plugin.easygrid.grids.JqueryGridService.metaClass.addDefaultValues = { GridConfig gridConfig, defaultValues -> if (gridConfig.enableFilter) { gridConfig.columns.each { ColumnConfig columnConfig -> if (columnConfig.enableFilter...
which resources: plugin version do you have?