Arthur Mudrick
Arthur Mudrick
`draggable` attribute is set to `false` but `.draggable` class still appears for `.slick-slider` block.
When i create some drawing shape i subscribe to the mouse events and then start drawing: ``` let drawingShape = new Leaflet.Draw.Rectangle(map, drawingOptions) map.on('mousedown', handleDrawingMouseDownEvent); map.on('mousemove', handleDrawingMouseMoveEvent); drawingShape.enable(); ``` But...
I have cloned `mapnik-stylesheets` project. I have installed `python-mapnik`. I have this error when running `./`: ``` RuntimeError: failed to initialize projection with: '&srs900913;' in Map of 'osm.xml' ```
It shows it deleting but in fact it delete nothing. Maybe because Slack changed their API and this plugin just does not work because of it.
I have a `Settings` page with two subsections: `General Settings` and `Password Change` — two separate `` tags with the `Submit` button each. When I press Submit button on any...
### Which @angular/* package(s) are the source of the bug? Don't known / other ### Is this a regression? Yes ### Description 1. do not create an app with `ng...
### What version of React Router are you using? 6.22.3 ### Steps to Reproduce I use microfrontend architecture in my app. I have a `RouteProvider` in my **host** app with...
Hi, thank you for your plugin, love it. Can you please show an example how to modify your code to be able to display grid lines if i zoom very...
After facing some mystical problems with the localStorage I looked into `ngStorage` plugin's code and... ugh, well: 1. ngStorage copies whole local and session storage data into the `$storage` variable...
Авторизуюсь через нативную ВК-аппликацию, токен получаю нормальный, отправляю его на сервер, но потом на сервере бэкендеру приходит `response: []` после запроса данных от ВК. Всё то же самое прекрасно работает...