Juan Walls
Juan Walls
I wouldn't call it an issue, but I guess it doesn't fit anywhere else. The thing is it doesn't move the opposite than expected. The author expected the 3D mouse...
I experimented a little with RawMouse.py and changed a couple of things to get this feature. First, I added the new menu item so the new menu definition now reads:...
That's great! Thank you for considering my idea. I'm sure I will learn a little more of Python looking at how you solved saving the state that I couldn't figure...
I can see animated GIFs in **Better Image Viewer**
It works correctly in my pre-Quantum Firefox
It seems in Firefox 72.0.1 Fuskr is working correctly again.
Ups! No, it is not working again! Still in Firefox 72.0.1, but Fuskr has disappeared again from context menu or toolbar. I have disabled all add ons except Fuskr and...
I have tried several old versions of Fusker in Firefox Quantum 64-bit on Windows 10 64-bit but none of them seems to work. In VERY VERY RARE ocassions, Fusker has...
I have disabled ALL firefox extensions and restarted Firefox and Fusker still doesn't work. Also, on those VERY VERY RARE occassion when Fuskr worked, all my extensions were active.
> I guess there's always JavaScript fuskers, like http://members.home.nl/bdr/files/fusker.html. Of course, but the point of using an add-on is to right click on the image and select a menu option...