philippe lhardy

Results 42 comments of philippe lhardy

intend to fix #186

I fear ActiveDirectoryDstService is not in use anymore, i yet didn't find out how to configure it , would need a specific TaskType ?

all generated file are in src/main/java/org/lsc/configuration but some file in src/main/java/org/lsc/configuration are not autogenerated. is told autogenerated but is not anymore, it seems unused and a remaining file from...

I did patch ~/.m2/repository/org/reflections/reflections-maven/0.9.9-RC2/reflections-maven-0.9.9-RC2.pom This is reflections-maven-0.9.9-RC2 for my version but still reflections-maven-0.9.9-RC1 in master, should work the same, using RC2 does not fix this. ``` true jfrog-plugins jfrog-plugins jfrog-plugins-dist...

It seems i 'am not the only one : provides a minimal one.

this will be part of current refactoring in #ltb-ldap branch.

I don't know how to use ActiveDirectoryDstService. new method AD.getUnicodePwdEncoded(String password) should return a byte[] that is what we would like since problem of AD.getUnicodePwd(String password) is the encoding of...

This is fixed in fusiondirectory 1.4 using a 1.6.x php-cas with commit 299a320a7fe905402aea85b899dbd5a9cab9324c . But there is no 1.3.x backport fix, this of 1.2.3-4 comes from debian.

i will test it.