philippe lhardy

Results 42 comments of philippe lhardy

@kadogo can you provide first lines of lsc.xml , to check for

@kadogo Do you know what encoding was used for this file ? You could try changing first line to ``` ``` or ``` ```

It is because is it not unicode : creating a dummy xml file test.xml ``` AD.getUnicodePwd("1aDhgtryjhddç") ``` ``` $ file test.xml test.xml: XML 1.0 document, Unicode text, UTF-8 text ```...

@kadogo what operating system and java version do you have ? One remark : is just an indication for xml parser, actual content should be encoded in utf8 by your...

@kadogo thanks for not giving up, i have to create a test for this, looking again a code there is something weird with code 'new String(quotedPassword.getBytes("UTF-16LE"))' .

quotedPassword.getBytes("UTF-16LE") is correct but conversion to String with String(quotedPassword.getBytes("UTF-16LE")) is not. For two reasons, major one is that java String does not keep encoding, it has an internal representation. It...

@kadogo with UTF-8 lang any special character outside us-ascii won't be encoded correctly since java replace character by the famous �. In my test it should work with LANG=en_US .