> any solution ? Nope :/ — Regards, Piotr.
I'm working on table now which needs such feature and I came here. Meh ;-)
1. The latest one, from Aminet. 2. No GuiGfx is **checked and disabled** in Settings. 3. Screenshots (in IFF format) are correctly rendered by Multiview. 4. I got screenshot for...
1. A600 + 8MB of Fast RAM 2. 3.1 3. 3.8 4. [http://cleanwb.ppa.pl](http://cleanwb.ppa.pl) 5. 284 entries. PS: https://winterland.no-ip.org/igame/files/guigfx_render_nofpu.lha seems to be corrupted. I'm not able to unpack it in any...
Oh! Nice catch. Thanks for bug-reporting my CleanWB then! :D I'll fix that. Sorry for inconvenience. EDIT: I installed proper classes and libs but problem still occurs - initial image...
Actually, I'm trying to include it :) but experienced this problem in 68000. Games started directly work fine. Sure, can wait.
This is what I discovered today: - replacing MUI classes and libraries with 68000 version makes screenshot loading to fail on every CPU... - coping NList.mcc to MUI:Libs folder makes...
Nope. All is right. Just program seems to not see NList.mcc in MUI:Libs/mui... Will back to it tomorrow.
OK! Will check it today and let you know.
MUI does not see NList.ncc class ;-) My version of this class, in MUI:Libs/mui has around 170Kb. Could you send me your version of NList.mcc?