I'm in contact with Uhlenbrock trying to obtain that info
While waiting for the documents, I did additional analysis with Lissys in all 4 possible configurations: (see LNCV=15) Lissy not sending transmission protocol Lissy using Uhlenbrock transmission protocol Lissy using...
Couldn't agree more. Let's see what Uhlenbrock can provide.
Since I haven't gotten any additional information from Uhlenbrock I went ahead and did some additional testing and ultimately code changes to the LocoNetMessageInterpreter. All Lissy messages are now interpreted...
The current code is reporting a random number of wheels moving down south which is not only wrong because Uhlenbook's Lissys do not report wheels, it also messes up the...
BTW: The reporter manager LNReporterManager reads the 4th byte: ``` case LnConstants.OPC_LISSY_UPDATE: if (l.getElement(1) == 0x08) { addr = (l.getElement(4) & 0x7F); break; } return; ``` It is used to...
Yes, absolutely. Please go ahead.
Coincidently I received another email from Uhlenbrock today, indicating that they won't be able to help and suggesting that I should analyze the bytes myself. I've exhausted that avenue over...
@devel-bobm I trust we all meaning well and I believe I said: "I'm happy to look into this". So please let's not engage in some generic discussions what everyones responsibilities...
@bobjacobsen, Changes have been pushed into the master branch. Running jmri.jmrix.loconet.messageinterp.LocoNetMessageInterpretTest does not show any errors.