Artem Senichev
Artem Senichev
Yes, you are right, there is a simple blur instead of real anti-aliasing.
I'm not sure if this will help, but you can now create your [own keybindings](
> I think @giraudan mean something like ranger, where the keybindings are displayed on screen. Yes, I understand that. I mean, people need a help window if they can't remember...
@Pound-Hash, could you check version 2.0? Is the problem still relevant?
Thank you!
Yes, I already thought about this too. Such feature requires a redesign of the app architecture, so implementing may take a long time. But I have a couple of ideas...
Swayimg works directly with display buffers, so all image transformations (scaling, positioning, memory copy, etc) falls on the CPU, which is relatively slow. To solve this problem we need to...
> it works flawlessly now Ok, then I close the issue =)
No, `swaykbdd` doesn't support Hyperland. The [Sway IPC]( is not compatible with [Hyperland's one](
> what about i3? Yeah, it is compatible, but there is no guarantee that this will work. Your can run the app without modification: `SWAYSOCK=$I3SOCK swaykbdd` For X11 sessions this...