Cristina De Rito
Cristina De Rito
I would like to bump this up since SPM support for all Apple platforms has been announced and the time is right to start using it if not done before.
Hi @ameyapat, unfortunately that's all I have on my Crashlytics dashboard, the crash didn't happen on any of my devices, neither I can reproduce it. I will record MSAL logs...
Hi @ameyapat, which log level would you need at least? I would like to go with warning to avoid slowing down the app, but please tell me if you need...
Hi @hieunguyenmsft , I've had another occurrence where I've been able to gather MSAL logs and I forwarded everything to the email address you provided but it was bounced with...
Hi @pjfila May I suggest you to submit a pull request? I'm in need of this feature too!
Thank you very much! :+1: