The program should offer 2 options to users. 1. Don't download new files that have identical names. Fast but with small risks. 2. Download the new files in a separate...
This issue is fixed from version 0.6.0
I reopen this issues, because it happens again. It occurs when more file are downloaded in parallel (-l bigger than 1) and files have the same name. This has forcing...
To prevent this issue? How? My template for file name is `{{ .FileName }}`, just the filename.
This solution doesn't interfere with the deduplication? If the file name in source chat is abc.flac and is renamed abc1.flac, and later tries to download an identical file abc.flac, it...
Very good, sometimes we don't need to download all content.
Yes, because documents can be many things: archives, video sent as files, pdf's etc
I encounter this error too. I think a solution is to remove the retry limit, the tdl should retry until a connection is established.