Results 6 comments of arstercz

Hi @jingweno : people can use pipe, but many new user often forget to use pipe, and in some scenarios, such as MySQL `pager` option, many people just want print...

只下掉配置里 slave_host 选项指定的 slave, 如果不想下掉哪台 slave, 可以不指定这台 slave 到 slave_host 选项.

将源文件的 is_in_blacklist 函数改成永远返回 false , 手工编译下就可以了 `plugins/proxy/proxy-plugin.c:gboolean is_in_blacklist(GPtrArray* tokens)`

event-threads 参数是设置事件处理的线程数, `pstree -p pid` 就能看出来, `ps` 看的只是进程信息.

is there any memory policy when reached the memory bottleneck?

I have the same error when use mongodump, but it's ok when backup without `-i` option: ``` $ cpulimit -l 80 -i mongodump --host=localhost --db=sbtest1 --numParallelCollections=4 --out=/data/backup T=1591260162.399432 PID=12771 PPID=12770...