the command that i am running and the output that i am getting are: arsi$ python --modelTag pretrainedv2 --test interactive Welcome to DeepQA v0.1 ! TensorFlow detected: v1.0.0 Loading...
Facing the similar issue, where while using the pre-trained model, the output is repetitive words, which seem irrelevant TF is 1.0.0 nltk (3.2.5) numpy (1.13.3) pip (9.0.1) protobuf (3.5.0) setuptools...
@EMCP any suggestions?
@PoojaPatel05 the command that i am running and the output that i am getting are: arsi$ python --modelTag pretrainedv2 --test interactive Welcome to DeepQA v0.1 ! TensorFlow detected: v1.0.0...