Alexandre Rosenfeld
Alexandre Rosenfeld
It failed for me on a Mac a few weeks ago but it works now, with Haxe 3 and OpenFL, without using an absolute path. Haven´t built for iOS yet...
Failed for iOS: ``` Haxe armv7 build CONFIG : Debug-iphoneos haxe Build.hxml -D HXCPP_ARMV7 -cpp build/Debug-iphoneos -debug -D HXCPP_CLANG -D OBJC_ARC /usr/lib/haxe/std/neko/_std/sys/io/File.hx:33: characters 20-51 : Assets/UI/defaults.xml: No such file or...
Building for iOS with absolute filenames seems to work, but I was not able to test in a real device. What puzzles me is that this got fixed for OSX...
By the way, you can run OSX in a virtual machine with little tweaks if you want to test this, no need to buy a Mac :)
This bug is what is causing these problems with iOS
This is not so hard to do it yourself. I created a dialog.xml such as: ``` xml ``` And to open it with a semi-transparent background covering the screen: ```...
Let me know if you need help. I'm using StablexUI for a projet at work and I can spare some time working on this.
If you are planning on changing any of the autoSize behaviours, could you please take a look at Gtk's Box behaviour ( ? The concept of expand and fill...