
record nginx from 2021-12-24 15:09:28 to 2021-12-24 15:24:56 ``` cat 1.log |grep "drill_record_upload" |wc -l 30 ``` URI :/drill_record_upload" only count 30 but I found 8000+ count in nginx accesslog...
![Uploading image.png…]() gor command ``` /usr/local/bin/gor -input-raw :80 -output-file /bak/goreplay/ -http-allow-header Host:^ -http-disallow-url /api/health -http-disallow-url /api/ext/xx -http-disallow-url /api/ext/xx -output-file-size-limit 512MB -input-raw-buffer-size 104857600 -copy-buffer-size 104857600 -output-file-queue-limit 0 ```
@buger I have tested 1.3.0 worked for me , can get 70%
v1.3.0 not all urls specified in -http-disallow-url ignore
when I make install libpcap 1.10, and go build source code v1.3.0 , it dropped to many packets of url "POST drill_record_upload" too
build command : go build
go build in CentOS Linux release 7.7.1908