Arron Sullivan
Arron Sullivan
This would be very helpful. Specifically just allowing basic min/max contrast settings. Just to make it easier to label, not to be retained. Fiji/ImageJ has a nice 'auto' contrast where...
Getting a similar issue for what it is worth. Not sure if a conda issue or something else. Adding the below in case it helps anyone. Fresh install on 5-27-2022...
I am just running the above from the desktop as the working dir. ``` import os print (os.getcwd()) c:\Users\robot\Desktop ```
Apologies, I misread your earlier reply. Correct, no folders or files even contain the word openmm in the working dir.
Interesting! Actually, all of my examples above were in a notebook. But, after reading your message, I just tried them as scripts and now they function, thank you! Perhaps this...
Just commenting that I have the same issue and have not found a workaround yet besides manual download.