I've tried the override authorisation middleware method , but the claims are strictly converted in a Dictionary format before the middleware was called ; This format break the Route because...
((AUTHORIZATION LOGIC)) Example ```c# Regex reor = new Regex(@"[^,\s+$ ][^\,]*[^,\s+$ ]"); MatchCollection matches; Regex reand = new Regex(@"[^&\s+$ ][^\&]*[^&\s+$ ]"); MatchCollection matchesand; int cont = 0; foreach (KeyValuePair claim in...
Is the instance of object with the bearer authentication rules, in my case for example: ```c# var tokenValidationParameters = new TokenValidationParameters { ValidateIssuer = false, ValidateAudience = false, ValidateLifetime =...
I made this script for ocelot version 13, I updated my comment making it compatible with the latest version 17 AuthorisationMiddleware replaced by AuthorizationMiddleware DownstreamContext = replaced by DownstreamRoute route...